Apr 8, 2004

Dreams last night:

#1...Kept running into famous people. Had a date with Britney Spears. I was skeptical it would work, but for some reason she seemed interested. A guy I barely know, Matt, happened by and said Hi, I jumped up enthusiastically to greet him. It crosses my mind that its good that she sees i have friends and especially goodlooking ones so I appear cooler. He makes a joke that I was with Britney Spears (like she was just a look-a-like) but then he noticed we weren't laughing and she got all uncomfortable. I try to figure out a way to protect her and divert attention but can't come up with anything on the spot. She must hate this, I think. I bet she just wants to be normal sometimes. Then his face dropped and he asked seriously, " What, you're not REALLY her are you?" and he stared at us, looking back and forth between us for an answer. Not long after, the whole place noticed and there was suddenly a swarm of pushy fans clamoring after her.

Dream 2:
Trying to get away from a suddenly dangerous situation. Teenage men thowing small blades at me as I climbed a staircase. One painfully lodged itself deep into my left hand. I tried to get away but didn't quite know where i was going or how to escape. Didn't seem to be able to get away quick enough. Suddenly cornered by 4 men in small space. I think I kept getting stabbed or something? I don't know. Later when I was retelling the story, (to some authority or something) i showed the damage on my left arm. There were all kinds of long strange scrapes up and down my arm and carved designs. I'm surprised by them and they remind of a girl from group that cuts herself. I breifly wonder if the group will mistake them as self injuries... The lady exclaimed she recongnized one shape on my wrist as an emblem for a local vicious gang. Now I had been branded and they would recongnize me as their property from now on. I was theirs. I felt terrified.

#3 My old india n da nce teacher is giving me a lesson in a small boxlike, sunlit yellow room. I think it is my parent's Redmond living room but we are in the state that i live now. She reveals to me that she doesn't dance here because there are too many asians and they will tear her apart. We giggle that I now know the secret and I want to convince her to get past that and dance anyway. I don't though, because I don't want to discourage her from being honest with me in the future. I want to just honor her feelings and not be pushy. I plug in a small casette player to get ready for a lesson. Will she give me a lesson? I want to be ready just in case. Maybe she'll see the casette player and see it as a hint that I want to learn. She notices my cell phone is about to die. She becomes adamant that I MUST recharge it RIGHT AWAY or i'll have to "reset" it again. I try to tell her its ok, no big deal, i can always recharge it, but she persists, its URGENT, she knows other young girls that were very irresponsible, lazy and did not keep up with their cell phones, and they let them die, and then they had a very complicated time trying to get them going again, they had to type in a series of numbers (like a code.) She is adamant about this. There speaks with disdain. I try to reassure her and I rush to get the charger to appease her and get her off the inconsequential subject.

#4 We're (dance teacher and i) are in the Redmond laundry room (i think) and see a young star lying down in the garage. Teacher invites her in for a date with the neighbor boy, Todd. She stand ups, uninterested, and saunters in. They seize each other up. She HAD appeared rather innocent, young, but now she makes a knowing/old person statement about men and all they want and how she knows how to give it to them. She seems hardenend and knowing beyond her years. ...Then she's coming up an escalator and we are watching her. The top of the escalater is the costume/wig dream area...

At a mall like area. We have wigs lots of funny colored silly wigs. Masses of people are filling in. We are provided them with wigs. And then costumes. And there are dozens, hundreds of people standing around, clamoring for costumes, many people i know, they returned and exchanged like mad, we toss them on a big rack. A football team filters in, there is a song from a musical playing in the background, it is really just regualr people with big costumes we had loaned them and lots of padding in their shoulders. The jog in single file, smiling, behind us. The air is festive. I think to myself, this might be a fun business to be in, maybe i'll persuade my friend to start one with me! (I think the friend is the girl that cuts herself in group that I have a strong connection with. She's artisitic and good with computer graphics.)

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