Apr 26, 2007

Why are the British so much funnier than we are?

Apr 25, 2007

VOTE NOW: Should Vice Presdent Cheney be IMPEACHED?


On April 24, 2007, U.S. House Representative Dennis Kucinich introduced
H.Res. 333, calling for articles of impeachment to be sent to the U.S Senate
with regards to Vice President Richard B. Cheney.

We have created a VOTING action page on this.  We want maximum participation
so we can reflect the true sense of the American people.  Please vote
whether you support impeachment or not.

ACTION PAGE: http://www.usalone.com/cheney_impeachment.php

The grounds of the proposed impeachment are that the Vice President:

  1. fabricated a threat of Iraqi weapons of mass destruction,
  2. purposely manipulated the intelligence process to deceive the citizens
and Congress of the United States about an alleged relationship between Iraq
and al Qaeda, and
  3. has threatened aggression against the Republic of Iran absent any real
threat to the United States, all in detriment to the national interest of
the United States.

If you are an established commentator on the internet or elsewhere, and you
have arguments to submit on either side of the issue, please email back with
links and we will put them also on the action page.

Please take action NOW, so we can win all victories that are supposed to be
ours, and forward this message to everyone else you know.

If you would like to get alerts like these, you can do so at

Or if you want to cease receiving our messages, just use the function at


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Copyright 2007, Patent pending, All rights reserved

Apr 23, 2007

Indigo, remember

Give love to be loved.

Apr 9, 2007


I must find a direction; hobby, sport, excercise routine, fulfilling job, a dam goal, something to work towards.  I need a path.  Somewhere to go, something to do.  Why am I sitting still night after night?  Trudging off to a "toxic" (wink to jm), taxing, soul-stealing job day after day.  Particularly because there's probably so many things that i could enjoy.  I do worry about spending time away from The Cutie.  I need to come home right away to take the Doggie out and make sure they both have something to eat, although I'm not a particularly good provider in that department anyway.  Also, I worry all day about his pain level, his sugar levels, and generally his state of mind and want to make sure he's okay.  And then, by the time I get home we really only have a few hours before it's bedtime again.  On the other hand, when I think about it, does it really make so much of a difference if I'm there?  Maybe not always.  Most of the time we aren't interacting too much because he's on the computer or watching tv, and I'm sitting behind him with this laptop on my lap.   We do fit it some laughter and driveby hugs as one of us grabs a soda from the fridge and that sort of thing, but that's often it.   A know too he'd encourage me get out and do something.  I'm sure I'd be happier.  But feel guiltier?  I would feel so guilty!  But why?   Because I know he's stuck at home -  miserable and in pain?  What right do I have to leave him.  It's not right.  Not being able to concretely help him in any way is... is.... well it's torture.   I can't stand it.   It makes me feel so useless and inadquate.  Why can't I make the pain go away?
And this is where I often get stuck.  But this post began to brainstorm ways for me to improve myself/my state of mind, and that is what I will get back to.   It's all such a jumbled mess.  Everything is out of order in my mind.  I don't know where to start.  I don't know what to do or what I want.  So let me start at the beginning with a list of things that make me happy, that sound interesting or fun, or things that might be fun to do.

Grad School?
Massage Therapy
Expressive Arts Therapy
Organizational Psychology

Take Classes for Health?
Martial Arts

Take Classes for enjoyment?

Give classes?
I.nd.i.an d.anc.e?

Other things that sound like fun but i feel too guilty/unmotivated to do
call friends"
sightsee manhattan
go to a broadway play
can't think of anything else!!!  i'm stuck!

Things that I should do and will make me feel better but am procrasting/feel blocked from doing- which makes me feel terrible:
cleaning/organizing the studio
walk the doggie
brush the doggie's teeth
find the doggie's toothbrush
make doctor appointments - optometrist/dermatologist/general checkup/gynecologist
see a psychologist - that specializing in eating disorders preferrably
find a psyc for the Cutie

Apr 7, 2007

Apr 3, 2007

holy cow, my very first entry with my portable cell phone fold up
keyboard. let the coolness begin. (all thanks to princess seakitty
for turning me on to the concept. and by the way, are you still out
there? I lost your site! and how is the litle one? growing like a
weed?)) JM, I found your comments to be wonderful and I reflected
quite a lot on them. thank you. and thanks for those few who still
read me despite me sporatic, far between posts. that's terribly
humbling and an honor.