Apr 11, 2006


Just reread that post - so many typos!  I'll fix it when I get home....
(I'm in the college computer center posting from my email.)

My eyelids weigh a thousand pounds

and I'm only half way through the day.   This job can be taxing. Lines and lines of students out the door - mostly perplexed and frustrated and often ready aggressively launch into accusations and demands.  For the past week I've been virtually on my own to field the complaints, tuition payments, billing questions, transcript orders, and releasing holds for registration.  This feels like some kind of feat considering I've pretty much had to figure all of the mentioned by myself is stressful alone.  Also, I've had to work long hours - way past my official end time of 4:30 since certain functions - most especially reconciling and closing the day must be done every night.  Thus far, that has meant if the lines of student waiting 45 minutes + to see me happens to still be there at 4:30, I don't even BEGIN the reconciling process until the time I'm supposed to go home - meaning I don't get home for another several hours ~ unpaid.  And, technically, I'm still a temp!  When I remind myself of that - it blows my mind that a process as important as the Fall registration was virtually left to a temp!  
Yesterday, I had yet ANOTHER interview, (for the job that I'm already working.)  If you've been counting, that makes 3 now for this school.  One with the President for the Exec Assist job (which I got), 2 for the that same job (which I then didn't get), and 3 for this now replacement job (that I've been working at.)   Um.  Does that seem outrageous to you too?
The HR Director was sure to mention at the end that I do not have the job yet as he is considering all of the application, but he thanks me for my help during this busy time.
:::blank stare:::
I don't even want to CONSIDER them not offering this too me at this point.   I would sue.  I would scream.  I would file complaints.  I don't know what the hell I would do except be utterly sick.  

Apr 9, 2006

Some Progress! Finally!

The wonders of work.

I don't care what job it is, it just feels so much better to have a full-time job. If only "temp," (though it appears not for long) waking up every day, busting my butt, and getting a friggin paycheck is such a relief. I feel better about myself. I have more of a sense of security. And my god, actually am feeling some optimism.