I've discovered how much i miss it here; this place, being on campus, having friends. The dancers and my second family are pleading with me to stay. I'm feeling loved. My Auntie Evelyn may be dying and needs someone to help take care of her. My parents seem to miss me and want me around. But i just moved to NY with The Cutie and am about to make a place there! Oh my.
Maybe that's the advantage of leaving and coming back: for a moment you're treated royally, like a superstar. But i bet when you're back for good the luster fades and you're back to a run-of-the-mill Miss Ordinary. Maybe that goes for my perception of the environment here too. You know how after you've been somewhere for an extended period of time, regardless of it's beauty how you begin to stop seeing it? How it ceases to exist? Like people: how we stop appreciating and noticing each other after constant interaction through time: how we forget to note how much we care. Is it possible to not take each other for granted? Can we stay present and freshly relate after years?
Great post. I agree fully, when you are away from family and friends they treat you like you just came up with a cure for cancer or something. Then you come back, and the luster does indeed fade.
I totally believe it's possible, if you remind yourself often to do it, and take time out often to reflect and think about how you can let your loved ones know that you still care about them and appreciate them for what they've done and everything. :)
I'm glad you're still blogging! Take care.
Tatatee!! Good to hear from you?! What's new?!
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