Thinking about Miss Dixie. Its so strange to be in this town and not to have seen her. Usually that's the first (and sometimes only) place i'll go. How is she feeling? How is her health? How is Jerry? I did see Summer and Shelly (Miss Dixies kids) over my winter visit long enough to drop off presents for their army of rugrats that are now quite humongous. Hard to believe i held the baby twins in Arizona and drove my Godaughter home from the hospital when she was born. I miss them but know it was best that i left. It's a dangerous drug-filled life they exist in. The violence just became too much. Life was still valuable enough to wanna stick around for a while. And then there was Howard. Clearly the main reason i left. Maybe that's why i'm less anxious to see everyone - the strong mental residue will come back. I don't think i want see him, afraid of what he'll say, afraid of what he'll do. Mostly afraid of that dark life-sucking abyss, where he yanked me around like twisted puppeteer, and reeled me in and out like a lifeless fish. Though i suspect by now i may be far less affected by his Pied Piper antics. I am afterall in a far different place.
The Guru just yelled up to me.. We're off to school in 10 minutes!
Indigo, I am behind in my blog reading. I'm glad you found my interview answers - they were GREAT questions.
I am enjoying your posts very, very much. I'm glad I found you!
oooh. Sounds like I was with Howard as well. Word for word. Dark abyss it was....I still live near him but know nothing of him. And I'm going to keep it that way.
G Dawey, i'm so glad you found me too!! Thanks!! Its good to have you! And thanks for reading my posts! =)))
NYCbeauty,i wouldn't be surprised, he sure seems to get around. ::HA:: Yeah, sometimes its best to cut the strings and eliminate the toxins.... Thanks for visiting, good to hear from you.. =)
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