Apr 4, 2005

Just woke up. Lord allmighty am i sore. OW!!!
Dreamt that i'd been caught in a crossfire, received a gunshot in the middle of my palm and lost two fingers. I was devestated that i wouldn't be able to dance. All the little dancer "glowed" me by surprise like a little memorial. My cousins moved to an area that i had lived before. It was a dangerous area while i was there but they brough a whole new lightness and joy. The guys came out and played ball and play tag games in the street. So, i didn't feel i should scare them away by warning them. Then a treasured father figure was found dead in the yard. Someone screamed and i scooped up his torso and booked across a field to a drinking fountain to get him water. When i reached the fountain i screamed for someone to hold his head, but it the skull turned and fell off the neck. I couldn' save him.

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