Apr 5, 2005

Back From Campus

She met with a student while i sat and munched on the homemade chicken sandwich she'd prepared last night. When he came i began to exit, but she said its okay and stay. After another excessively enthusastic intro, he seemed interested to meet me and curiously asked some questions. They discussed his project's progress and she told stories about her life. He took notes as she told him to be careful of his liability and warned him of the dangers of being sued. She advised to create releases and copyright his material. "You may be a student now, but what happens 4-6 years from now you when you are are a professional and might want to use it again?"

When he left, we spoke a bit about her exhaustion. About her dreams. We brainstormed about possibilites. The need to organize and make the dnc a business so she could spend a quarter less teaching and devoted to what she lvs. She'd like to create an Ashr am - which is what we've always needed. She wants to tour, bring back her dncrs and pay them. Then she gave me a suggestion. Go to school for Business Management, and "then you can do it for me, because we don't know how."

It was the most direct solicitation of assistance i have ever heard from her. It's strange now chatting with her like i'm an adult. Like i actually do have something of realistic value to offer. And i do, but how? Could i build a life around such instability? Could D?

I bought him postcards at the college bookstore. I'll try to send one every day. Oh, its time we leave for her rental home's dance studio to give a private lesson. I'm looking forward to seeing that house. I lived there in the A-Frame in the back before i moved escaped here and Howard.

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