They want me to work at M i c r o s o f t. They've decided its okay to have money. And lots of it. Apparently they want me to get some. This is crazy-talk coming from political activist radicals. Half the trip back today was devoted to counsel and loving advice as to how to get it. They're sick of being poor. She's a professor but works her fingers to bone, "What do you get from working your fingers to the bone? Boney fingers." They want something better for me. (*awwwww*) Wish they had told me this a decade ago! Now I've got alotta catchin up to do! But they say in 15 years of plugging away, you can retire. Sweet! I tell you, after working 80+ hour weeks with nothing to show for it, the corporate machine is looking mighty finer and finer. Perhaps there's something to be said for D's philosophy, "You go to work, put in your 8 hours and come home and have your life. It's only a job." Far different than my once idealistic hippie inclinations, but like we discussed, b i g b u i s n e s s is preferrable to being broke and totally disenchanted. Yeah - heard that! Cuz i've been walking that pot-holed road a while and don't like it. Wouldn't wanna walk right off it into Dark Side, if you know what i mean. Having 2 people in my life that care about me enough to lecture me about these things is special. And i am really, REALLY lucky.
I love those crazy crazy crazymakin peoples.
A job is a job, and at the end of the day, it's not that important. Too many people try to define themselves through their vocation, and unless you're one of the few lucky enough to work at something you love, that is a road to emotional self-desctuction.
I've been working in the same field for my entire adult life, and it was only two years ago that I realized that the world will keep spinning long after I'm gone. Now I definitely subscribe to the whole "show up, work, go home" thing. I do my job well, but it doesn't control my life like it once did.
Having said that, I retire in five years and get that pension check for the rest of my life. And cash on the barrel head is nothing to sneeze at these days.
I guess now that i look at it from this vantage point, what you're saying makes alot of sense. It's taken a long time to get here though. Hope it's not too late. Thanks so much for your feedback. I love you're wonderful comments!
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