Mar 19, 2006

Stylin. Profilin.

Up until now i figured it would be better to leave the "Interests" section of my blogger profile blank rather than attempt to write something and risk missing something important. (Gooooo NEUROTIC PERFECTIONISM!!! WOOHOO!) But suddenly stricken with inexplicable enthusiasm, i just now spent an excessive amount of time developing a list of everything that jumped to mind. Finally i published (or attempted to) and discovered a measly 600 character limit. ZOINKS! (You know there's something wrong when you're too wordy even for blogger.) Ah well... Guess I'll just publish it here instead! GOTCHA BLOGGER FIENDS!

AquaTeenHungerForce, authenticity, being present, Bikram yoga,book stores, carmel machiattos, candlelight, Chris Rock, D, the collective unconscious, compassion, communication, community building, cooking experiments,dance enthnography, experiential education, dawn, documentaries, dreams, eating disorders, emotion, ESP, expressive arts therapy, falling snow, fitness, fire, flamenco, freestyling, gaming, getting lost and discovering new places, giggling, herstory, holistic health, Hawaii, hula, homemade pita & hummus, humanism, improv, independent film-making, India, irreverent asses, King of the Hill, learning, light and shadow, long hugs, love, martial arts, MIDI composition,mind/body, MAD tv, multiculturalism, NPR, making art, nonviolence,nutrition, Odissi, organic gardens, patience,people watching, people's stories, playing, playback theater, rule breaking, sexy lingerie, sparkly things, sustainability, Qigong, long gratuitous lists, rainbow sherbert, religions, seashores, song writing, soul music, surfing, thrift store shopping,travel, tree houses, truth seekers, trying to sound impressive, religion busters, rich colors, sensuality, tobouli, whipped cream, stretching comfort zones, velvet, VW vans

Cheators, consumerism, dishonesty, eating animal organs, being depressed, hateful christians, getting old, gossip, guilt, shame, repression, Rush Limbaugh, patriotism, soap operas

Being a wage-slave, competitive sports, the stock market, dates and times, calendars, cleaning, a God

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