Mar 2, 2006

It just started snowing and

it's really coming down! 
I'm at my (temporary) work and as usual, have nothing to do since I'm only (now) a temp even though I was initially permanent before they changed their minds and decided suddenly that they needed to post the position promised to me 5+ months ago and that I quit another job for (that i hated.)  Regardless of that, I'd still only be here 2 days a week since I'm "job-sharing" with the woman who hasn't yet retired who I (was supposed) to replace after 3-5 months of transition time.  She's here Mon - Wed.  I'm here Thur, Friday ; Translation: not really at all.  (Her desk, her files, her stapler/pencil holder placement/calendar/etc.    Can the transience be any more impermanent?  If only I was buddhist....

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