Mar 2, 2005


I had a dream about RP last night. I visited him and his family who lived part-time in an unrealistically large motor home. It was so comfortable and homey in fact, there was no tangible indication that it was actually a vehicle at all. That is until I became aware that RP was driving with tremendous velocity up an impossibly narrow road. It was a steep and windy hill that we were on when we approached a hair-pin turn. Surely he'll slow down, i thought to myself. But to my horror, we continued barrelling on only to find ourselves facing head-on into oncoming traffic. Seemingly unperplexed, RP casusally diverted our certain demise by veering off the road. At this point i suggested that i take over driving to which he easily agreed. However, when i began to drive, instead of finding myself at a steering wheel looking through a windshield pushing pedals, i found that the monstrous RV was controlled by mouse clicks and the outside world could only be viewed through a computer monitor. I was disoriented and frightened. How could i lead us all to safety in such strange and foreign circumstances?

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