Oct 28, 2005

I haven't written much since

starting this new job because by the time I get home I'm emotionally and psychologically absolutely wiped out. Strained. Close to tears. In my unbiased, professional opinion, its pretty much a nut house. And its so unfortunate because it doesn't have to be that way! So much stress! So much chaos! So many tears! And hurt feelings! And this all I've observed in the very short period of 3 weeks since I've begun. Poor, poor, everyone. Staff and employer(Dr) alike. Just a bunch of mixed up miscommunication leaving everyone feeling like crap - unappreciated and misunderstood. Disrespected and angry. Every day all day long are the tirades, threats of walking out, rages. Oy vey. It's hard to be there. More soon... (I hope.) The cutie just got home!

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