Aug 6, 2005

Another Cutie in the House

Guess what! The (original) Cutie surprised me with a cute little 5 month old daschund doggie!
We named her "Chilly." I can't get over how good natured she is -
she'll come right up to you and just plop down on your lap. I guess she had a good
breeder? Or came from a good line? I dont know but i really feel like we lucked out. She's such a cutie!

I'll post pictures in a few days when we get The Cutie's computer back from the shop.

Arg, I can't type much more now because of these long cumbersome claws fingernails. (The Cutie bought them for my job interview.) They're pretty, but boy do they make typing a serious chore!

But - I started a new job in the City.... It's partime and not a big deal - but I'm thrilled to be earning some dinero.

More soon... (Just as soon as I find that nail file.)


SeaKitty said...

thank you for your comments. i'm so stressed. i hate it. howz a girl supposed to sleep?

SeaKitty said...

and you know what. shikita has already had three friends die like this. and she keeps saying weird shit. like that this one hat she had was borrowed by this one guy who died from another girl who died, who borrowed it from shikita. she's like, "everyone else who wore that hat is dead, except for me. isn't that wierd?" and stuff along the lines of guilt. why are they all dead and i'm still alive. and how she wants to die young. i'm beginning to realize she's really a miserable person. very entertaining to be around, but inside she's sad and lonely. and nothing fills her up. like a bottomless pit. and through the years she keeps trying to add new ways to mask it. or more like she unceasingly, yet unsuccessfully, works at making herself feel whole by filling her body with all the wrong things. maybe i'm guilty of this a little bit too. maybe i'm just lucky, not smarter, that i'm in a different position than her. life is funny. i feel lucky. and burdened. and at the moment i feel this tightness in my chest. a heavy, sad, ache. and i hate it. and i don't know how to make it go away. how do i make my peace with the universe? grandma would tell me to say the "our father". i'm willing to try anything right now. this is torture.

IB said...

wow. thanks so much (as always) for your openness and willingness to share. especially such difficult feelings/thoughts. I really feel for you. i can relate to the bottomless pit feeling. i can relate to trying to fill it up with the wrong things. i think alot of people can. alot alot. (everyone even?) Though,few are willing to dicuss it or even admit it to themselves. in that way it seems you're on the right track. your willing to acknowledge and explore it. in therapy i learned about "riding the wave" of emotions instead of trying to stifle them - or denying them - or insisting they shouldn't exist - which makes it all the worse. what you're feeling sounds so painful. and scary. and difficult. no wonder you're feeling tortured. but you're riding the wave and eventually the wave will subside. just hang on. you will be ok. you are so brave! take care of yourself and do something that nurtures you. start with that yoga class and like a wise bloggerbuddy once (or twice) told me, keep writing!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the job! And the dog!

The Anti-Wife said...

Ahem...still waiting for pictures!

Anonymous said...
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The Anti-Wife said...

WTF??? Blog spam? What next???

IB said...

thx Omega and RP!

RP, good to see ya!

Antiwife, I know, right?! lol ...Been waiting for The Cutie to get his computer for the pictures (it's being repaired)... For some reason, I can't seem to download the on my computer!! GRR