It is my most difficult emotion. How do you deal with it? Where does it go? Where can you put it? How do you get rid of it? Like, QUICKLY?
I hate it.
It sucks.
It's virulent. It disgusts me. It makes me mad. (At myself for feeling it.) Its all consuming. It makes me feel a complete loss of control.
I just want it to g o a w a y.
In therapy they emphasized the positive aspects: that its a signal that something is wrong, that you're sensibilities are being violated. That there is underlying hurt. It's a call to action. It indicates the presence of an inner power ready for invokation. All well and good intellectually speaking, but in real life,
it sucks.
I hate it.
die anger die
I don't like the thought of 'putting' it somewhere; I rode that train for a long time and it doesn't go anywhere you want to be.
Everyone's different, but this is what I do these days: I allow myself to be angry. I don't deny it, I don't rationalize it, I don't pretend to feel otherwise. I let people know I'm angry. But I also don't go looking for ways to prolong the anger, like thinking up revenge scenarios or trying to argue with myself or others. It passes when it's time to pass, and trying to fuck with it either way will just prolong the experience.
Ny opinion.
Excellent advise. (As always.)
I know i need to continue working on allowing myself to truly experience feelings: uncomfortable or not.
Its just so hard when my mind interferes with shaming and blame. "What's wrong with you? You have shouldn't be angry. Get over it." etc
Why won't my gut cooperate with my head dammit?!
Oh yes, to it all.....I like that way of thinking of it, omega. Thought-provoking.
Have recently noticed how I prolong it, and have been often successful at stopping that.
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