Also, getting to experience firsthand the fearless, direct way in which you followed your gut while posing probing questions was an extremely interesting and helpful experience. I discovered, as "client", that not only was this a welcomed approach, it was a liberation - permission to cut the bs & speak powerfully in truth. "My intuition is NEVER wrong." Is a statement that rang out and continues to resonate long after you so boldly asserted it that still makes me laugh. So great! I want this confidence!
Jan 28, 2021
Dear Donna
Also, getting to experience firsthand the fearless, direct way in which you followed your gut while posing probing questions was an extremely interesting and helpful experience. I discovered, as "client", that not only was this a welcomed approach, it was a liberation - permission to cut the bs & speak powerfully in truth. "My intuition is NEVER wrong." Is a statement that rang out and continues to resonate long after you so boldly asserted it that still makes me laugh. So great! I want this confidence!
Jan 25, 2021
Where does courage come from? Are you born with it? Is in innate? Developed over time? Is it a personality trait? Is it learned? To what degree?
I'm just asking because I'm thinking maybe it's some quality that's been with me since childhood. And something that separated me from my immediate family. We see and act in the world in different ways. Our perspective and mindset is different. It's manifested in ways that made our paths look different. Mine mainly - the road less traveled. Not more "successful" by any stretch. Far less. That said, it *has been more connected. Honest. A slow burn. But a true fire. No,t a single temp electric heat lamp plugged into a wall. Pros and cons to both, obviously. Nonetheless, it's interesting to think about and wonder - what has been the impact of this single characteristic over the course of mylife?
i volunteeeredt to make 3 to make the 3 20 somethhing strangerss/acquainiteances meals for a week. all fresh and packaged and healthy. a service. homemade and perfect. all from fresh produce. nothing packaged or processed. an experiment. i could throw in a few extra portions and there was now my food for the week, and brothers too. why not? a good exercise. and who knows - it could be fun orhelpful or lead to something bigger. its a test. ractice. i stepped away and asked my mom what she thought. she ignored me. she ddidn't respond. i asked her direct question. she looked away . nrefused to respond or acknowledge. or even look at me. i became distraught. i don't even know why i felt the need to ask her opinion anyway. its not as though i needed it. but for some reason i did and even more inexplicably, lost my mind after getting what i got. went into a full scale rage. wanted to run away. dreamed of packing my things and leav==and running hiding leaving for good. where i was , i have no idea. but i know i wasn't comfortable or happy or safe. felt unappreciated. negleted. alone. misunderstood. unappreciated. disrespected. angry and hurt
we were sitting in a car . in the giant cavernous, garage? it was dark. the car was parked. there was a dog sitting in the back seat. it looked like my dog, but it wasn't her. it was an unknown. a stray something happened. i forgot what. but i let it out of the car because it disappointed me . there was something it didn't know. so i put it outside and watched it walk away. a felt a little bad andguilty. but didn't reverse course.
my brother was in drivers seat. narrating.
Jan 23, 2021
i look bad.
i mean really bad. no joke. i really mean it. bad. like when i say bad, i mean like holy-god-whatthefuck kinda-bad - on that level. that's the real truth. not exaggerating.
i know it seems dramatic.
its just the truth. and i really wouldn't lie to you, i swear. this shit is crazy, and it happened so fast. age 46. decaying. floppy. flippedlyflableflopflop - that's the sound my face makes when you see it. just like = when did that happen? how is it real? is that really truly MY face? why? i don't understand it.
i mean, its sounding very judgmental, but in truth its not. its a description really. its honest. its what i see in the mirror without interventions - makeup. attitute. clothes. reasonable hair. (i shaved half of it in a bizarre sudden unplanned impulse a few days ago. the last of my disguise - stripped bare.
now just an exposed sagging neck. thick neck. manly jaw (with tumor), thick brow, wide round cheeks and infamed blotchy skin. winkled leathery forehead and brow.
omg my fingers are so cold typing this. this place is incredible and awe inspiring. but holy shit, cold. these huge sweeping glorious windows overlooking the busy street - feel paper thin. definitely no built for living in. but no complaints. just stiff fingers, that's all.
I'll be right back.
1. If you had the knowledge that a future child of yours would be a mass murderer or tyrannical dictator, how would your morality guide you?
2. What musician (alive or dead) should write a song about you, what would the song be named, and what would be the context of the song?
3. You wake up one morning to find you are the only person left on Earth. Describe your reaction and approach to survival.
4. How much of your identity is based on who is around you and your setting, and how much is determined by your mind?
5. In your opinion, how is a civilization's worth measured?
...This thing on?
Age 46. The end of the Great Trump Pandemic