Jul 6, 2015


Day 1:

Talking with C & getting assignments...
(Taking a shower, going outside, to talk with her from the car, human connection, brainstorming, hopefulness...  (Shook me from fog & forcing me to do something somewhat "normal")...  I literally had to set an alarm yesterday for 7pm today in order to be able to talk with her at 8pm. That is how FUCKED my "schedule" is right now!!!  So crazy & messed up.)

Waking up at 5pm. Struggling for over an hour to open eyes and stay awake)...

Angry at myself for not taking my dog outside
Angry at myself for not getting food for my buddy - (what will he eat? nothing? but, i shouldn't give up?  but, he refuses almost everything?)  Just bought a salad, and nothing for him... Feel like a total asshole!!!!!!!!!!
At myself for getting a donut after talking with C

Writing here, now...    :)   :)  :)

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