Sep 6, 2005

What I really want to ask is - am I being to sensitive?
Is this normal behavior that I should just get used to
and toughen up my reactions?

I don't really know anymore. What's right? Is it me?


Anonymous said...

I say.. go with your gut.. You know whats right.. and whats whacked.. I just bet you do.

JM said...

Being rude, childish, emotional, and irrational ARE normal behaviors, but that doesn't make them acceptable in a professional environment. If you feel uncomfortable, it's not the case that you aren't tough enough. Your reaction seems pretty appropriate; his brutish actions and attitudes are not.

IB said...

"Normal but unacceptable." Sadly,that makes sense. It's good to hear your validation that he does in fact sound "brutish." It means alot!

I do want to trust my gut on this - but I'm torn because he's otherwise friendly. Just needy and immature?

I don't know.


I'm struggling