Sep 11, 2005

What I Currently Obsess About Most

80% of what I think about probably revolves around my relationship with The Cutie. I'd say the other 20% (which overlaps) would include;
  • Finding a job
  • My Blurry Unknown Future
  • The Puppy
  • Disordered Eating
  • Distant friends & Family
  • This Blog
  • Your Blog!
  • T.V. shows
  • My past
  • Cooking & Laundry
  • Katrina
  • Guilt about quitting
Exciting, no? I wonder what this says about me? I wonder how it might change from month to month.

I don't know, I guess I was just thinking about how much time women obsess on losing weight. How much potential happiness is lost on having a poor body image. How much collective energy on this planet is thown away on counting calories, attending diet clinics, taking "miracle pills", or trying the latest diet system. I wonder how much money is thrown away (and hours at work to pay for) superfluous clothing that we feel compelled to purchase to compensate for our damaged self-esteem and bedraggled media-blitzed egos. Imagine what would happen if we chose to channel even a fraction of that time to some other pursuit - perhaps something that nurtures our soul.

What if we said no?

We aren't going to do it anymore.

We aren't going to allow our waistline to dictate the course of our lives and happiness.

What if we never bought another fashion magazine?

What if we bombarded advertisers who capitalized on a sense of inadequacy to promote their products (ALL OF THEM) by telling them FUCK NO we don't need your crap and we won't accept your deceptive exploitative tactics.


kristinb said...

I've often wondered the same thing. If women weren't SLAVES (and I mean that as if they were actual slaves if you know what I mean) to the diet and weight loss industry the world would be a different place. I used to be more of a slave. I used to abuse my body for want of being thinner. I used to obsess about wanting to be thin. I'd start a diet and calculate how many pounds I could lose and when I would be at my ideal weight. Now I'm like "fuck it!" I eat what I want when I want. I'm very heavy and people hate me for it, but I don't really care. Because why? Because I like myself more now than when I weighed 135 pounds. I don't spend every waking hour worrying about food and calories and burning them off or puking them up. When you free yourself from obsessing about food and weight and calories and fat grams and carbs and whatever else it really is freedom. FREEDOM.

Matt said...

I've always maintained the easiest way to gain weight is to go on a diet. Diets train your body to use calorie more efficiently, so when you start eating a normal amount of food again (after starving yourself for months), your body stores fat in a huge way.

So the dieting industry is big business. They like the tobaco companies know what they are doing.

Becky Paige said...

I never buy fashion mags but I do read them at the supermarket. Now I shop at a Whole Foods in a gay neighborhood, so I wind up browsing through whatever rag has a cuter boy on the cover.

Developing a strong revulsion for processed foods has helped me keep my weight down a little. Have you seen all the weird chemical shit in that stuff? Also fast food: I would rather eat rat poo. In fact, that's what it's made of.

Cheers, Indigo Blue.