I need perspective and I'm very interested to get some outside
thoughts about this situation. I'm in the office right now with the
boss. As I've mentioned before, he says he's under tremendous
pressure from his family and clients which is clearly spilling over
into his demeanor here. Of course, since I've been here only a short
time (1 month), I'm unfamiliar with his baseline behavior, but as of
now he is highly volatile - erupting unexpectantly when frustated by
being put on hold or when he gets a busy signal on the fax - yelling
expletives with tremendous volume Then he'll turn and look at me
strangely (guiltily?) and then return on a dime to yucking it up on the phone and chuckling
with clients as if nothing ever happened. It's spooky. It makes me shake.
And each time it happens it puts me on pins and needles as I attempt
to prepare for the next unexpected outburst. What does he think
of himself? Is he embarrassed? Does he care? Does he think it's
okay? ?!!?
On multiple occasions he'sslammed things around his desk.
Today he he unleashed his fury by throwing his telephone
full force against the wall. He also seems to pick
on me at times. It's hard to explain, but its in ways that are
entirely petty and unreasonable. Today he suggested that I "was
spaced" out because of certain things that would be absolutely
impossible to have known about short of reading his mind are being
privied to all sorts of info and conversations which I have not been.
It's ridiculous and although it would be really hard for me to do,
right now I feel composed and comfortable and rational
enough to let him know his actions have and do make me uncomfotable.
I am thinking about leaving now for the day,
or even quit if the conversation goes sour. Who needs this at the
work place? Come'on. I commute 3 hours a day for 4 hours a day
of work and 12 bucks an hour for this?
BUT - He's allready having a miserable day and stressful time. I'm
sure the behavior is unintentional. When he talks about how is whole
life is shit and crumbling around him, how can I not feel sorry for him?
I don't want to make things worse. What if my quitting makes him
have a meltdown. I mean, he can't even handle being put on hold for
goodness sakes! Maybe he just needs a little leeway right now.
How much leeway do I allow before throwing in the towel? I want to
take care of myself too and this feels right now horrible. Horrible.
I don't know.
What do you think?
I think you should work on finding a new job. Do not talk with him about his behavior -- he'll only turn the tables and blame it on you. If this man is acting like a raving lunatic now, it's the status quo and it will continue. I worked for a woman like your boss, and to this day it would have saved me a lot of angst had I just did the "exit left" when I got that feeling in the pit of my stomach that things were not going to get better.
Ah - he DOES sound like a raving lunatic. So, it's not just me! Thank you!! Yes, maybe you're right about saving myself future angst and getting out. But I feel trapped. I only have $30 to my name! Actually I've been looking and applying on-line to a new jobs every day since I started this job with no results. Unemployed and penniless?
This guy is being abusive. His actions are not appropriate for a workplace. There is no doubt of that. I think the anti-wife's advice is sound. Definitely make sure that your own safety is ensured.
I understand the money part; just don't leave until you have another job secured. But...be prepared to leave after giving notice and NOT go back. People like that take quitting as a personal attack and will go into a rage. Another way to handle this (and I would do this if I were you), would be to give notice via email or certified mail. You do NOT owe him any type of a traditional "professional" notice. Just let him know you won't be back. Your safety is most important...not the reference. This might be one of those jobs you inadvertently leave off your resume!
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