Jun 15, 2005


I wonder what the best way to find a job is? My horizon is a bit shallow. So far, i can't see much beyond Craigslist. Um. Is that bad? Doesn't seem to be working.


Matt said...

What type of job are you looking for? Do you know what you want to do?

IB said...

Um. Excellent question. I was hoping i'd know when i saw it advertised. Ideally something creative and inspired. Realistically, office work. Blah. Or perhaps continuing in the social service which doesn't excite me either.

Matt said...

I would split it into 2 questions, neither of which have easy answers.

1) What would you do if money was not an issue? How would you occupy your time in your remaining years?

2) What are you willing to do to earn money to live?

You may be stuck with option 2 for the short term, but you eventually want to work towards option 1, even if it is in very little, incremental steps.