Nov 12, 2004

Indigo Blues (Part I)

Now that i've resumed writing (Part II), i am reflecting on the original, "Indigo Blues" and whether i want to republish some or all of the original posts. Why?

hmmmm... lemme think...

~the previous time investment?
~will offer a more complete perspective of my journey
~to be more honest?
~i like some of it
~it might be fun?

Why not?
~the more i write, the more exposed i feel
~the more exposed i feel, the less i want to write
~some is embarrassing
~i would like to recreate myself and let it go?
~increases the likelihood that i may be found out and recongnized
~said negative things that i would like not to be discovered (particular family)


1 comment:

Hannah said...

Why don't you just put all of your old posts on here and then make a new site for a new you? And then you can give the link to the people you want to give it to....