Dec 30, 2005

Organizing Photos Today

And here's a random sampling.......
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I love lotuseseses.... Peaceful and lovely.

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I visited Timesquare last week for the first time! My cousins were in town and I spent the day with them being a NYC tourist. We also went ice skating in central park and I saw the Rockettes!!! wow! And guess what. The lady I sat next to owned a computer company and asked if I would be interested in working for her! She's out of the country right now so we haven't spoken in depth about it yet, but what the heck - you never know! The world is mysterious sometimes and I do believe in synchronicity (despite my occasional cynacism.)

Hey that reminds me! I start working at the college next week. Assitant to the President! Part time for the first few months and then I'll replace the lady who now holds the position but will be retiring. I absolutely CAN NOT WAIT to leave the den of horror being my current front desk job at the evil doctor's medical office. It takes everything I have to NOT simply walk out sometimes. OK .. ALL of the time!

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Images from the school. Did i mention it was a religous one? Pretty funny since I'm pretty much a bonified atheist. HAHAHAHAHA.

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Old therapy room in Hawaii. I kinda miss it. Ok I do miss it. Alot sometimes. It was a tremendous source of support and cleansing. Incredibly constructive. Healing. Helpful.

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The 3 kilns I gave away when making my spontaneous move to New York. Along with over a thousand ceramic molds (all sitting in my studio apartment.) What a mess! Those suckers are heavy!!! (And a big financial loss.) But oh well. It's not like I was doing anything with them anyway. Mostly chasing a dream of owning a business and taking it one step at a time.

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A man strumming a ukelele outside my last Hawaii apartment. An everyday scene there.

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I loved how this picture came out when I was sitting inside our car while The Cutie washed it. Doesn't it look ghostly? You never know how these camera phone shots are going to come out. Sure the quality is horrible but, on the other hand, the grainy-ness sort of looks romantic to me sometimes. Did you know I spent like an hour researching camera phones last night? I wanted to identify just exactly what the specs were on my camera because I suspected I could do better and boy was I right. Turns out my camera is a VGA (like a third of a megapixel) when 1 megapixels (a million pixels) to 3 megapixel cameras are standard practice out there. In fact, a 7 megapixel camera has been released in Germany by Samsung!!! My conclusion is - although I like my phone, I need a better camera for sure!!! Or, should I just save my money and get a normal digital camera? But that might not be as conveniant to upload. I don't know. I haven't decided what to do. What do you suggest?

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The dance floor that I practiced when I spend a month living with my dance teacher last year.

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The Cutie and I made a cross country trip to surprise my Dad for his 60th birthday this year. Here's a shot through the window on the long, long, very long, trip. We were tired and cranky but still had fun. 6 days of driving and 1 day and a half of visiting! Oy vey!

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What we saw for about 4 of the 6 days of driving and gained new perspective as to how Bush won the elections!

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We also spent a week in Flordia this year visiting The Cuties Uncles/Aunts and cousins. It was probably the most fun we had all year. Well at least I had fun. He was exhausted and in pain. Going places take alot out of him.

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This visionary woman started a dance village in India. She died tragically in a landslide but has left a beautiful legacy.

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A dancer in costume.

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