Dec 10, 2004


Didn't mean to worry anyone. The comments from Emily reminded me that perhaps i have a responsibility to those few (incredibly cool) people that do stop by here regularly, to not be careless with my words. I guess there's both benefits and harm of publishing stream-of-conscious thoughts as the print, er, pixograms may or may not fully, adequately represent the whole story.

Anyway, I'm (we're) much better now. But not without a considerable amount of distress. I ought to elaborate. But, somehow, i just don't want to. Maybe rehashing it here upsets me. I'd like to not think or remember it at all, in a way. It's still way too uncomfortable right now.

But i will close this post with a comment i left on Mesa's site a few days ago. Ironic?

I think women are often trained to keep things inside. We're molded to smooth things over and pretend things are okay. We're taught that anger is unattractive and "unladylike" and otherwise should not exist. The problem is, everyone gets angry. Conflicts are inevitable. Disagreements are a part of everyday life. So, what are we to do when we have a feeling that we are ashamed of but nonetheless is there? Its a set-up! And only compounds the painful feelings, when really, it could be so much simpler; we can have our heart to heart, share our feelings, reconnect and re-establish just how much we love and care about each other..

Try not to be so hard on eachother, and just as importnatly yourselves. Hang in there! Despite the communication difficulties, its obvious in your writings, that you both care about each other alot.
Time for that heart-to-heart!

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Why "ought" you elaborate? You don't have to do anything... and while we do worry about you (even if I've been sort of AWOL lately), you can do what you want to do. It's your blog and your life.