Oct 28, 2004

Horizontal Boycott

Ok. Its 8:40am and i will now go to bed. Grudgingly. Why? Have you ever felt yourself resistant to sleep despite fatigue? What is that about?! I'm hoping that by pushing bedtime farther every night/er.. morning/uh..afternoonish.., that eventually i'll have made a complete turnaround and be back to normal.... The urge to ward off sleep seems to be getting worse every day.

1 comment:

Dorothy is said...

I've been there. It feels like sleep is getting in the way of living. The realization that one is not invincable, and that one can not defy normal biological processes.

There are tons of sleep aids out there, but what works for me (I work rotating overnight and daytime shifts) is a combination of sheer exhaustion and limiting caffeine intake. While it's true I bow to the Starbucks Throne, if bed-time is 9 AM, then it's no coffee after 3 AM.

Best of luck to you.