Mar 25, 2023


Knowing God is a state of consciousness we have to obtain. That's why we keep coming back to this Earth plane.  This is a school  Earth school.  To learn how to go by God instead of our whims.  God is more lovable than all.  Not material.  We are the cause of our own problems.  All problems are due to a separation from God.  We can think of God at all times.  We can live in the material world, but the purpose of life is to have that personal relationship with God.  Shall seek her, and you can find her.  But you must apply 100%.  Scientific approach to God is important.  The scientific technique is important.  The laws of life must be lived even by saints.  Scientific meditation.   Why?  Because it awakens the centers of the spine - the chakras.  It opens the channels of the brain.  It awakens the love for God.  But you can't be redeemed by techniques alone..  The last 10% requires devotion - love for God.    God is above love and only love reaches her.  Link ringing the doorbell at God's door so she knows you're coming for her.  Devotion gets her attention.  We have to learn her laws.  The techniques help us.  Without devotion you can't touch God.  You keep God at a distance.  Love is helps us come to God.   And yet devotion alone does not take us to God.  Divine mother comes to you and responds after the scientific approach like kriya yoga initiation.    Think of divine mother all day long.  Chant of divine mother all day long.  When we forget about God we have to start again. Dif

ficulties are hard to face.  When we have the oneness of God we see her in everything.  The goal of life is return back to God.  She wants to see how soon we awaken.  When we remember our own divinity.  It just has to be a habit.  It's possible.  We have to change the habit of being on worldly thoughts  When our minds are on material thoughts it's not going to be smooth and easy.  The magnetic connection of compass needle.  Attached to the body and sense then we are forgetful of God and this does not please her.  Eat with the thought of God.  God is in that food too.  

All the qualities of God are within us.  All the powers of God, are within us. The presence of God can be felt by being aware of the spiritual eye.  The pulsation, the energy, between the eyebrows because of teh concentration.  In time, we will begin to feel that presence.  

Read the lessons also tunes us to spirit.  The ideas came from spirit.  When Guruji wrote and spoke, it came from spirit.  He is speaking to us through the lessons.  The lessons are our guru.  Everything we need to know about seeking God are in the lessons.  They are immortal.  Eternal.  Not ordinary.  They are the laws of life that all the Saints of the world taught.  The same truths.  

Intimate communion with divine father.   From the heart, not the mind: 
Permeate with love, with devotion.    Joy starts to come in, love, peace.  

Om tat sat
I love thee Lord
Reveal thyself. 

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