Dec 22, 2008

i'm good!

did i tell you about the promotion?  unrealistic!  unbelievable!  4ish months ago.  and get this - i'm freakin' happy with it.  i have independence. my own lovely office with a view. responsibility and respect. room to be innovative.  and most importantly an opportunity to do good.  to help people. to have more involved relationships with staffstudentsfaculty.  freakin unbelievable.  somebody pinch me. i've been so nervous that it was a dream. 

there real;y isn't much else to my life now. except of course the cutie. he hasn't been well actually. spent a couple weeks in the hospital last month which was scary.  and difficult. and sad. its hard to see him so uncomfortable 24  7.   all we can do is pray for a medical miracle.  go stem cell research! 

well as i type i realize there's few more things to report. but now that i have my first real job and all, i must admit i have more to lose in regards to my anonmyity.  wouldn't want to give away too many details that could be traced to me.  for my few old friends, perhaps i ought to come clean and start a brand new, clean cut blog.  of course, not nearly as much fun.... but..... i do miss writing.... such a dilemna

and how are you all?

happy holidays.

i miss you



Anonymous said...

i keep a couple of blogs
both them are my sons
never retry
one of them is where i kept a link to your page:
another one is this
why do i to refuse for a multi personality? You?
Brain consumes, roughly, 25% of energy. Don't waste thinking. This is a nice blog. Far from the edge, but nice. it's enough. Don't you?
Congrats for promotion.

IB said...

Thank you Thalasos. I am honored.