Jun 10, 2007

Inaction breeds doubt and fear.
Action breeds confidence and courage.
If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it.
Go out and get busy.

--Dale Carnegie

Jun 7, 2007

RP -It's you!

oh my RP, that's worrisome.  saturated, you say?  zoinks!  sounds like you may not think this is a good idea.
and on a side note, I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU STILL READ ME!!!
That makes very happy.
It's great to hear from you!  (and i hope my impeach button didn't offend you too too terribly)..  funny, i thought of you when i posted it.. =)  

Jun 6, 2007

Are you sick of it?!

Make your voice heard!

I wrote in and received two nifty responses from congress, including the following...
Thank you for your e-mail.  It is very important to me to know the issues
that are of concern to you. A growing number of my constituents are now
choosing to communicate with me via e-mail. I hope you will understand
that, because of the volume and range of e-mails I receive, it can take
some time to send a response that specifically addresses the subject
raised in your message. I do, however, want to let you know immediately
that your message has been received. Hearing from you and others through
e-mail helps me to quickly learn the views and interests of New Yorkers
and others, which is very helpful to me in my work in the United States
Senate. I hope you will continue to monitor my work through my website
at http://clinton.senate.gov, and I welcome hearing from you.


Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton




I'm so tired, I feel like passing out right here on my desk.  I'd guess this is because during the last 2 weeks of "vacation" (spent at home on the couch in front of the computer/tv), The Cutie and I stayed up until the wee hours of the morning, (his typical schedule but not mine).   Now that I've been so rudely re-introduced to my job, I'm
struggling to readjust my time clock.   
Did I tell you that starting taking a Real Estate course?  It gives me something to do/learn/sorta dream about.  I have fantasies of fat commissions, indendence and helping people. Is this realistic or close to true? 
I don't know.
What worries me is the repeated warning from prospective agenices that I must be able to live off savings for the 1st year.  Is that even possible?