Apr 14, 2021

How to Break Up


(via Michael Beckwith on Mindvalley with Vishen Lakiani just now) 

Step 1) Accept what is

Step 2)  Harvest the good.

Step 3)  Keep the person in your heart

The form will restructure around that expanded awareness. 

fuck yeah

 It feels like work. writing here. is it?  when did that association develop?  does it serve me?  is it necessary? is it even true.  I actually doubt it.  i don't know that i believe myself. maybe its not work. maybe its.  . .something else. is it fear?  what is laziness?  i don't know that i believe in the concept.  its a word that has always poked. 

there's so much i *want to say. so.  whats the hold up?  why aren't i saying it. 

overcomplicating. over analyzed. being in my head. projected ahead instinctively into fear and worry. all probably pretty unconscious I'm guessing. but who knows. that's the point. it can't be if its unconscious. so. next steps?

hm .

ideally would be an amazing astute connected soulful coach/mentor/spirt/guide/teacher/friend.  i would like to be that some day.  that's what i feel I'm working on.  gathering my ducks and powering up for the ride.  getting close. things feeling. 

right .


yes yes yes yes yes. 
