mostly working.
very late hours.
and then playing wow before crashing, rinsing and repeat.
haven't even read anyone's blogs so i don't know what's going on with you either.
what's going on with you?
but, on the bright side i have exciting news: tomorrow the cutie and i are doing something! something fun!
we're going a cruise to the bahamas!
how about that?!
who would have guessed.
it happened suddenly and i don't know what to expect (haven't been on a cruise before) and never had an official vaction from a workplace.
i'll tell you about it when we return. or, even, maybe while i'm there if they have internet on the boat. (do they have internet on boats?) they should, right? i don't know. we'll see. but have a wonderful week and pray we don't hit an iceberge will ya please?